NPMA will place PDF copies of all NES presentations and submitted whitepapers (hereinafter, “materials”) on the NPMA website for Member’s Only access after the event. This provides an excellent resource to both attendees and others and is a great member benefit. By selecting YES, you certify that you have ownership rights to the materials and are granting NPMA copyright permission to post the materials to the NPMA website. Speaker retains all ownership rights, including copyright, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property of his/her content uploaded to this site. The permissions set forth in this Release are granted on a royalty-free and irrevocable basis. You may notify NPMA in writing to request that your materials be removed as soon as practical. However, you understand that NPMA may not be able to remove cached copies of said materials. By selecting YES and typing your name below, you consent to the use of your materials as described above and agree with the provisions of this release form. If you select NO, you understand that NPMA will provide these materials to the review committee but will not post your materials to the NPMA website. You further understand that any submitted whitepapers will not be used for the purposes of any awards and/or publication without your written consent.